Hello, Everyone!
You have no idea how excited I got as I discovered the hack I’m about to share with you. It involves the roll of binding we work with as we sew it onto the quilt.
When I make binding I roll it up. It ends up looking like this

I try to position this roll under my sewing machine, or behind it on the table, and unroll it so it travels under my machine, then up and onto the sewing surface as I sew it to the quilt. Sometime this plan goes haywire- my roll of binding will end up on the floor or I’ll fight with it to get it fed under my machine.
The other night I was setting up my work area to sew the binding onto the Friends quilt (see the 5-2-20 What I’m Working On Post) and the discovery occurred- put the binding on the cone thread stand- it will stay put and easily unroll as I pull on it. It worked like a dream! See the pictures below.

The weighted base of the stand made it stay put; I just tugged on the binding when I needed some. To be truthful, plenty of other quilters may very well know of this hack. But I discovered it for me- I’m still giving myself a pat on my back!
The thread stand is also a helping hand when I use a cone thread for the top thread on my domestic machine. Since I’ve been buying cones of thread in 40 and 50 weight for my longarm I’ve also been using the thread when I quilt on my domestic machine. Now I’ve found another way to use the stand. A link for the stand is here.
I hope this helps- until next time, find some time to sew!